Packing Up Packington documents a unique piece of London's social housing history before its final disappearance. The Packington used to be one of London's most notorious council estates and a place I called my home. It was demolished and rebuilt as a mixed tenure estate by a housing association, now housing private and social housing tenants. Most of the residents were rehoused in the new flats, built on the same land. "Packing Up Packington" explores the sense of loss and gain

I enjoy working here, although sometimes it's a mess.
I get on with all the tenants. I will miss the blocks and walkways.
You get to know people and when they move it'll all be different.
The estate reminds me of back home, where I used to live in Scotland. I won't miss the anti-social behaviour like graffiti or drugs and urine. Hopefully it will all stop {in the new estate].

experienced by the residents, giving an intimate glimpse into a brilliant multicultural community. The work went on display as an audio-visual exhibition in and around the empty flats and corridors of Packington Estate just before the blocks were torn down. Life size-prints were pasted on the spot the pictures were taken and visitors could walk around listening to sounds of the estate and recordings of residents sharing their stories and lives on the estate.

Chick, care taker.

Chick, care taker

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more


George, flat 269 ( British Life Photography Award and Portrait Of Britain Winner )

Shoe hanger in the bedroom door

Bedside table and a luxury mattress.

Doris’s bedside lamp. Doris is George’s sister. She lives in a care home but they lived together all their lives before she had to move due to dementia.

George’s front door

Magazine holder

Take a tour of the exhibition below


Mrs. Uddin, flat 287

Abdul loves to work out.

Front door Uddin family


Salma putting on her face veil.

The Ever Changing Corner

Alman and Eric spending quality time together. flat 289

Kitchen clock shaped like Eritrea.

Fruit bowl

Elim singing her favourite song



Smoking a spliff and listening to music.

Tiles and writing

Bike left on the walkway.

The block from the outside.

Seda, flat 279

Entry hall.

Treasured water pipe

Parents bed room